



  1. 100条温柔的英文文案句子带翻译
  2. 温柔到爆的英文句子
  3. 很甜很撩的表白句子英文













Some people exist in order to protect happiness, while others leave in order to achieve true love.


The fact that people get older doesn't mean anything else, it just means that they are no longer afraid of the past.


Draw a game of life and death, and write an ending for our story.


I have forgotten myself and loneliness, but I can't forget the most beautiful you in my heart.


In order to let you and I meet look like chance, make up a hundred reasons!


If it is not deep love, how can miss flooding.


Don't ask me what I'm missing. I'm missing someone right now.


I know, the world does not have so many if, but still stubborn like.


In fact, if you like a person, you give him the right to hurt you.


I don't have to laugh to let you know that I'm a swagger.


No matter what note is given to you, it doesn't make your heart beat faster than your name.


Fall in love with him, you are a little afraid of him; fall in love with him, you start to believe in fate.


Even if the whole world denies me, and I believe in me.


If you give love with reserve and care, you are not in love.


Whether you will or not, I will choose to wait.


Passing by, none of us turned back.


Dear, the picture of happiness is waiting for us to compose.


The most unsuccessful audience is that when people say it casually, you take it seriously.


I want to stop for you before I meet the future. Unfortunately, you don't need to.


Love is eternal. The appearance may change, but the essence never changes.


I firmly believe that there will be someone who came to this world for my torment.


My persistence and stubbornness, just because I can't give up you.


There is always an impossible person in my heart. I think I can never change it.


Laughing and crying, because it hurt my heart.


Sometimes, just let it be and you'll know if it's worth having.


If you have a hint, I am very brave.


Love, sometimes this is the case, to have no reason, but also irresistible.


The greatest act of secret love is accomplishment. You don't love me, but I'll help you.


My life is happy in every smile.


You do not understand my silence, and how will you know my sadness.


If there is no memory, then the world will change how clear.


The future is in our own hands, youth is the only capital we can gamble on.


Back to you, decided to find my own happiness.


Stretch out both hands, want to retain, seize only your beautiful excuse.


Love, just like two people pulling a rubber band, the pain is always the one after giving up.


Whether it is left behind or left behind, the two are equally painful.


Is you should not be unreasonable to make fun of, do not know, let me silly smile and smile.


A heart has no other place to hold others, all occupied by you.


Don't hold my hand, don't laugh at me, don't give hugs, I have a partner!


Can we embrace the future without mentioning the past?


It is said that the most beautiful is not you, but your name.


I want to tell you out loud that you have always been in my world.


Don't be so silly love, as long as you are there.


You can't have another God except me.


May the mountain have the meaning of wood Xi Qing, yesterday's stars just like you.


It's like a movie, but it's not me.


You give that direction, but let me always lost the way.


I also laugh at myself, can say but can't do.


May every meteor in the sky shine for you.


Once the oath, now the broken me.


You say you cry, not because you care.


When love is no longer pure, it is better to end by counting down the time.


I'm nothing special, just like you very much.


A person is not alone, want a talent alone.


The jigsaw of memory, piece together a perfect you.


The past youth, write white paper like innocence.


When you are ill, you will know who you love. If you are drunk, you will know who you love.


After I met you, I knew I was lonely.


My heart is in the tree, you can pick it if you like.


I want to touch the love of smuggled goods, but I'm afraid of being hurt.


The wind and moon is like my Acacia Bureau. How can I miss each other.


You live in the light, with the smell of stars and the moon.


All the seconds back are waiting for a long time.


I want to hold your hand, from the heart, to the ancient rare.


My world, I can understand it by myself.


Long time no see. You still look like I like.


I miss you at this end, you and I will never be separated.


If it's wrong to love you, I'd rather be wrong for a lifetime.


Once a crazy thought, now desperate forget.


Your eyes are so beautiful. It's just for me.


Miss autumn water, read Yi people, close to the end of the world, like mandarin duck.


I pretended to be strong to cover up the hurt in my heart.


Line Qianshan, involving Wanshui, Acacia road tears two lines.


Without your permission, I will love.


Let's call it a day about loving you.


It can be read as a book or seen as a play.


There is always something wrong in people's life.


Bai Shou is determined to tame the sea and walk thousands of mountains in his youth.


Ask for instructions early and report late. Your wife is on call.


You will be a great success in the future. Try hard.



You are my today and all of my tomorrows.你是我的今天,以及所有的明天。 〖Two〗、You make my heart smile.我的心因你而笑。 〖Three〗、Brief is life, but love is long.生命虽短,爱却绵长。 〖Four〗、One look and you laid my soul wide open.你只用一次回眸,就令我的灵魂为你敞开。 〖Five〗、If you dont let me go, I will love you forever.只要你不放手,我就可以爱你很久很久。 〖Six〗、My heart is with you.我的爱与你同在。 〖Seven〗、You make me want to be a better man.你让我想成为一个更好的人。 〖Eight〗、Love me little and love me long.不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。 〖Nine〗、You had me at hello.我对你一见钟情。 〖Ten〗、You only know I love you, but you dont know how much I love you.你只知道我爱你,却不知道我有多爱你。 1〖One〗、If I could rearrange the alphabet, Id put \U\ and \I\ together.如果能重排字母表,我想把你和我放在一起。 1〖Two〗、Even if you had nothing,Id love you.就算你什么都没有,我也会喜欢你。 1〖Three〗、You re just like a camera. You make me smile whenever I see you.你就像照相机,我一看到你就不自觉地笑了。 1〖Four〗、Nothing is more important than to love you.没有比爱你更重要的事情了。 1〖Five〗、I will love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.我对你的爱,比昨天多,但没有明天多。 1〖Six〗、I should bring home to you the value of yourself for me.我要让你明白你对我有多么的重要。 1〖Seven〗、Im mad about you.我为你疯狂。 1〖Eight〗、I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.见到你的那一瞬间,我就爱上你了。 1〖Nine〗、My world can’t go around without you.我的世界如果没有你,就停止运转了。 20、When the words \I love you\ were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms.第一次听到你对我说\我爱你\,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。很甜很撩的表白句子英文2 〖One〗、我会奔向你,当你需要我。 Ill run to you when you need me. 〖Two〗、我不要天上的星星,我只要尘世的幸福。 I dont want the stars in the sky, I just want the happiness of the world. 〖Three〗、我一点不想你,但一点半想你了。 I dont miss you at all, but I miss you at 1:30. 〖Four〗、给我抱抱你的身,相互依靠到长久。 Give me a hug to your body, rely on each other for a long time. 〖Five〗、相知相守爱你一万年,老婆我爱你永不变! Know each other, love you ten thousand years, wife I love you never change! 〖Six〗、你是我一辈子的骄傲,幸福永远。 You are the pride of my life, happiness forever. 〖Seven〗、我的三观不正,很歪,全都偏向你。 My three outlooks are not correct, very crooked, all of them are biased towards you. 〖Eight〗、我想在秋天储存浪漫,好在冬天馈赠给你。 I want to store romance in autumn and give it to you in winter. 〖Nine〗、朴实的'情感,为你狂。 Simple emotion, crazy for you. 〖Ten〗、卿卿我我忆甜蜜,耳鬓厮磨度佳期。 I remember the sweetness in my heart, and I spent the good time together. 1〖One〗、祝你爱情美满,家庭和睦,幸福快乐一辈子! I wish you happy love, family harmony, happy life! 1〖Two〗、我要视你,如命。 Its up to you. 1〖Three〗、最感动的是,你懂我所有的口是心非。 The most moving thing is that you know all my duplicity. 1〖Four〗、浮云掠过,片片都是念你的情。 Floating clouds passing by, pieces are reading your love. 1〖Five〗、你的痛苦,我独家承受。 Your pain, I bear exclusively. 1〖Six〗、祝这位小朋友,年年有我。 I wish this child every year. 1〖Seven〗、你我相伴一生,幸福快乐。 You and I are together for a lifetime, happy and happy. 1〖Eight〗、海洋的深度,比不了你“挚爱”的深沉。 The depth of the ocean is not as deep as your beloved. 1〖Nine〗、亲爱的我在想你,你想我么? Honey, Im thinking about you. Do you miss me? 20、鲜衣怒马少年时,一日看尽长安花。 When I was young, I saw all the flowers in Changan. 2〖One〗、至少回忆会永久,像不变星空,陪着我。 At least memories will be permanent, like the unchanging starry sky, with me. 2〖Two〗、想做夏日的啤酒,等你上。 Want to make summer beer, waiting for you. 2〖Three〗、花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。 Flowers can be folded straight to fold, do not wait for no flowers empty broken branches. 2〖Four〗、我对你名字里的每一个字,都喜欢得要命。 I love every word in your name. 2〖Five〗、爱你不是两三天,是岁岁年年。 I love you not for two or three days, but every year. 2〖Six〗、海中月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。 The moon in the sea is the moon in the sky. 2〖Seven〗、睡不着的时候就多想想我,不要浪费时间。 Think about me when you cant sleep, dont waste time. 2〖Eight〗、许你一世倾城。 I wish you a lifetime. 2〖Nine〗、你的总和,一半是可爱,一半是温柔。 Your total, half is lovely, half is gentle. 30、爱你,是我一生最幸福的事。 Love you is the happiest thing in my life.很甜很撩的表白句子英文3[One]、你的眼睛真美,里面只适合装我。 your eyes are really beautiful, inside only fit to hold me.[Two]、你走向我,我觉得一日不见如隔三秋。你朝我笑,我又觉得三秋未见不过一日。 you come to me, I feel a day apart like three autumn. You smile at me, And I feel that three autumn has not seen but a day.[Three]、你的笑,抵过了风霜,是我见过最美的太阳。 your smile, against the wind and frost, is the most beautiful sun I have ever seen.[Four]、有本事你就照顾好自己,不然就老老实实地让我来照顾你! have the ability you take care of yourself, or honestly let me take care of you![Five]、不想周游世界,只想在你心门口,喝茶听雨。 Dont want to travel around the world, just want to be at the door of your heart, tea and rain.[Six]、陪你把岁月熬成清酒,陪你把孤夜熬成温柔,你醉就醉在我怀里,你醒就醒在我枕边。 accompany you to boil the years into sake, accompany you to boil the lonely night into gentle, you drunk drunk in my arms, you wake up in my pillow.[Seven]、你知道的,你是我打不倒的热爱。 you know, you are I can not beat love.?[Eight]、那一年,花开得不是比较好,可是还好,我遇到你。那一年,花开得好极了,好像专是为了你。那一年,花开得很迟,还好,有你。 that year, flowers are not the best, but fortunately, I met you. That year, the flowers blossomed wonderfully, as if it were for you. That year, the flower opened very late, fortunately, have you.[Nine]、我申请加入你的人生,希望你同意一下。 I apply to join your life, I hope you agree.[Ten]、爱情是两情相悦而产生的,恋爱的感觉就像棉花糖一样甜甜的,暖暖的。 love is two of a kind and produced, the feeling of love is like cotton candy as sweet, warm.〖Eleven〗、生活有许多味道,而最甜和最苦恰巧都是你。 Life has many tastes, but the sweetest and the bitterest happen to be you.〖Twelve〗、希望你永远不必懂事长大,希望你一撅嘴就有人哄,希望雨天有人记得接你回家,希望你的眼泪永远有人擦,希望你可以被无条件宠溺偏爱! I hope you never have to grow up, I hope you a pout someone coax, I hope someone remembered to pick you up on a rainy day, I hope your tears will always be wiped, I hope you can be unconditionally spoiled and preference!〖Thirteen〗、遇见你,不是我所能预料的;喜欢你,也不是我所能控制的。 Meeting you is not what I expected; Liking you is not in my control.〖Fourteen〗、、想要守护的人,想要做的事,喜欢的生活方式,都是前进的动力,就是我努力的意义。 The people you want to protect, the things you want to do, the way of life you like, are the power to move forward, is the meaning of my efforts.〖Fifteen〗、因为你,我想要成为一个更好的人,不想成为你的包袱,因此发奋努力,只是为了证明我足以与你相配。 Because of you, I want to become a better person, do not want to become a burden to you, so I work hard, just to prove that I am worthy of you.〖Sixteen〗、你已经弄乱了我的心,什么时候来弄乱我的床呀? You have messed up my heart, when will you mess up my bed?


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