空山新雨后, After fresh rain in mountains bare
天气晚来秋. Autumn permeates evening air.
明月松间照, Among pine-trees bright moonbeams peer;
清泉石上流. O'er crystal stones flows water clear.
竹喧归浣女, Bamboos whisper of washer-maids;
莲动下鱼舟. Lotus stirs when fishing boat wades.
随意春芳歇, Though fragrant spring may pass away,
王孙自可留. Still here's the place for you to stay.
选了三首关于秋天的英文诗.希望你喜欢.1.Autumn Fires by Robert Louis Stevenson In the other gardens And all up the vale,From the autumn bonfires See the smoke trail!Pleasant summer over And all the summer flowers,The red fire blazes,The grey smoke towers.Sing a song of seasons!Something bright in all!Flowers in the summer,Fires in the fall!2.A Fall Song by Ellen Robena Field Golden and red trees Nod to the soft breeze,As it whispers,"Winter is near;" And the brown nuts fall At the wind's loud call,For this is the Fall of the year.Good-by, sweet flowers!Through bright Summer hours You have filled our hearts with cheer We shall miss you so, And yet you must go,For this is the Fall of the year.Now the days grow cold,As the year grows old,And the meadows are brown and sere; Brave robin redbreast Has gone from his nest,For this is the Fall of the year.I do softly pray At the close of day,That the little children, so dear,May as purely grow As the fleecy snow That follows the Fall of the year.3.Farewell to the Farm by Robert Louis Stevenson The coach is at the door at last; The eager children, mounting fast And kissing hands, in chorus sing:Good-bye, good-bye, to everything!To house and garden, field and lawn,The meadow-gates we swang upon,To pump and stable, tree and swing,Good-bye, good-bye, to everything!And fare you well for evermore,O ladder at the hayloft door,O hayloft where the cobwebs cling,Good-bye, good-bye, to everything!Crack goes the whip, and off we go; The trees and houses smaller grow; Last, round the woody turn we sing:Good-bye, good-bye, to everything!。
〖One〗、Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.——Emily Brontë每一片飘落的秋叶,都在向我诉说着狂喜。——艾米莉·勃朗特
〖Two〗、Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year.爱这些树木,直到秋叶落尽,然后鼓励它们明年再次枝繁叶茂。——谦德·萨格
〖Three〗、Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods. And day by day the dead leaves fall and melt.现今,秋天的气息像火焰般沿着树木蔓延。随着一天天的过去,秋叶飘落入泥。——威廉·阿林厄姆
〖Four〗、Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.——Albert Camus秋天即是第二个春天,每片叶子都是花朵。——阿尔贝·加缪
〖Five〗、Autumn mornings: sunshine and crisp air, birds and calmness, year's end and day's beginnings.秋日的早晨是这样的:阳光和微凉的空气、鸟鸣和静谧的氛围,一年的尾声却是一天的开始。—— Terri Guillemets(美国作家)
1. In autumn,the weather is very dry and cool.
2. I think the most beautiful season in a year is autumn.
3. I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.
4. The leaves turn yellow in autumn.
5. I feel a little cool in the autumnal night.
6. The trees were naked during autumn.
7. There is a breath of autumn in the air today.
8. The weather in September was positively autumnal.
9. I like to collect russet autumn leaves.
10. We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn.
11. The leaves turn yellow in autumn.
12. Rain in the North seems peculiar, compared with that of the South, more appealing,and better-behaved.
13. My favourite season is autumn.
14. In autumn,the weather is very dry and cool.
15. I think the most beautiful season in a year is autumn.
1.Wake up to drink,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond
2.Life is so simple, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.
3.In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardless of the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.
关于秋天的英语句子1.Wake up to drink,people feel the middle of the night, moving wind over a lotus leaf pond
2.Life is so si-mp-le, such as the autumn, such as fallen leaves.
3.In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.
秋中,有些感情便如落叶般凋零了,有些影子却挥之不去,只在网络虚缈中才有熟悉的名字。凋零就凋零吧,倦缩也好,成灰亦好,管它感情如一树红叶般怎样盛开,怎样凋零。我站在川流不息的时间里,谈笑风生,任凭满天的叶子飞舞,最终覆盖苍凉的生命。(散文阅读:pares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.很强的技巧加强了景色的美感,在传统和现代化了的建筑风格之间的对比。
That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘秋天景色的油画。
The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。
a gentle breeze of Autumn felt
Frost on the leaves made tender
Colors of Orange,Yellow and Red
A time to behold.God's Splendor!
Autumn's footstep skated silently
Midsummer's flowery blows over faintly
Even though I can not stand in the time threshold
to grab the date of departure.
Still I want to continue the unfinished poems
In the rain season after the farewell
The furthest distance is my miss担肌曹可丨玖查雪肠磨for you.
I just want to stand on the edge of the dream
If my youth is doomed to be abandoned.
Please tell me if I can have another more second.
And let me take out“I love you”from broken dream.
Tune to“Sand and Sky”——Autumn Thoughts
Dry vine,old tree,crows at dusk.
Low bridge,stream running,cottages.
Ancient road,west wind,lean nag.
And one with broken heart at the sky’s edge.
原曲只出现了9个名词词组,在Schlepp翻译的译文中原曲的9个名词词组分别被译成9个英语名词词组,根据汉语诗歌原文的语法特征及现代英语诗歌的可接受性,译诗采取的名词意象并置法使原诗的意象以相应对等的形式译出。具有现代意识的孤立名词词组或意象并置的现象比传统诗歌显然更突出。意象叠加(image hosition)是由20世纪初英美意象派最早提出的。美国意象派代表诗人庞德在研究中国诗歌时发现,一个意象与另一个意象并置叠合,会产生微妙的效果。因为它凸显意象,借助词语缺席,能引起读者审美注意并产生联想,完成审美认知。“Dry vine,old tree,crows at dusk.Low bridge,stream running,cottages.”使读者在头脑中也构建了一幅与汉语诗相类似的画面。译诗很好地做到了意美并保留了原诗简洁的特色。不过从词汇选取来看,“low bridge”中的low含有small的意思,但是low主要是相对于high,语义上来说似乎不太贴切合适。原曲声调和谐优美、语言清新豪爽,善于捕捉形象来熔铸诗的意境,提高了曲的格调。在韵律方面,“Low bridge,stream running,cottages”中bridge与cottages压元音韵。“ancient road,west wind,lean nag.”中road与wind押韵。再现了原文的音美。
Version 2:Autumn(By Weng Xianliang)
Crows hovering over rugged trees wreathed with rotten vines——the day is about done.Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream,and on the far bank,a pretty little village.But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road,the west wind moaning,his bony horse groaning,trudging towards the sinking sun,farther and farther away from home.
由翁显良先生翻译的译文二采用了散文释义的方法。译文主要传达了原诗意境,而舍弃了原诗的韵律和形式,做到了神似。tiny:very small indeed,指的是很小的、丁点儿的意思,因此该词的含义更为宽泛,用其来对“小”桥中的“小”,可以引起读者的无限制的联想。“流水”译为“a sparkling stream”具有形美特征。译诗虽放弃了诗歌体形式,却很好地传达了原诗的意境。诗若无思想感情则无灵魂;诗若无载体,则无依托,也无法表达情意。所以诗必须有情有景,情景结合才能成意境。意境不仅有图画美,还能创造出联想,激起情思,令人玩味无穷的艺术氛围。不过在译诗中,“Crows hovering over rugged trees wreathed.with rotten vine.Yonder is a tiny bridge over a sparkling stream,and on the far bank,a pretty little village.”都将原诗中的并列关系改为修饰与被修饰的关系。而且“But the traveler has to go on down this ancient road,the west wind moaning,his bony horse groaning,trudging towards the sinking sun,farther and farther away from home.”原文中瘦马跟断肠人之间的关系没有点清,但是译文却将其明确化。重组了句子,消解了原文的句间本意。还有“hovering”,“wreathed”,“go”,“moaning”,“trudging”等词的增加使原诗中所刻画的第一幅图景由静态变为动态。原文主要是由事物构成的,译文主要由小句体现意义译文所表达的意义与原文相去甚远。“Yonder”一词也不符合原文的语言风格。Version 3:
Tune:Tian Jing Sha(By Ding Zuxin)
Withered vines hanging on old branches,
Returning crows croaking at dusk.
A few house hidden past a narrow bridge.
And below the bridge quiet creek running,
Down a worn path,in the west wind.
The sun dips down in the west,
And the lovesick traveler is still at the end of the world.
丁祖馨的译文三介于前以上两个译文之间。保留了诗的形式和韵味,但与原诗相比也增加了很多词。而“narrow”也主要是相对于“wide/broad”,因此这两个词的固定语义容易限制其他联想。“Withered vines hanging on old branches,/Returning crows croaking at dusk.”将原诗并列结构改为修饰与被修饰结构。把“小桥流水人家”和“古道西风瘦马”的句内平行与并列也都变通为修饰与被修饰的关系。新增词“hanging”,“Returning”,“hidden”和“comes plodding”破坏了原诗的静态美。汉语是富有音乐性的语言,讲求声音之美是汉语修辞的传统。在英汉翻译中,译文要做到音节匀称平整,声调铿锵和谐,才能够再现原文的审美价值。而在翻译古代诗、词、曲的时候,音美显得尤其重要。马致远一曲小令,短短28字,意蕴深远,结构精巧,平仄起伏,顿挫有致,音韵铿锵,直贯灵心。“天净沙”是曲调,如宋词中的词牌,它规定了这种类型曲的韵律,在本曲中的韵为“a”,五句同一韵,朗朗上口。在押韵方面,old与crows压元音韵,end与world压辅音韵,crows和croaking压头韵,使译文朗朗上口,符合原曲的音乐性风格。